Also check out the {SecretlyStarving} website for more pro ana stuff!

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Do the Math

I’m off to a good start today 1/2 cup dry cornpops (60cals), 3 glasses of water, 1 cup green tea. Something really useful I’ve learned is that, depending on the circumstances, it is NEVER too late too spit out your food. Just because it’s in your mouth doesn’t mean you have to swallow it.  A good philosophy for holidays like Valentine’s Day and Easter. Something else for everyday to keep in mind as well: You can cut servings in half, it makes a difference.  Invest in some measuring cups, if you haven’t already, or if possible by one of those little food weighing scales. This is the best way to ensure that you know how much food you’re eating. I have tons of measuring cups at home because my mom used to own a bakery and I make good use of them, carefully measuring out everything. After all, what good is it to know the calories in something if you’re unsure of how much you’re eating? Not knowing causes more anxiety than knowing. Spending the rest of the day wondering if you ate a 500cal serving or a 200cal serving of noodles is stressful(Why would you be eating noodles anyway?) and when it comes to calculations, you can’t just guess. Weight loss is math in disguise.

I had a little bit of a happy moment today. I had a dress hanging up in my closet that I bought for a special occasion in September, only wore it once and when I did it was pretty tight on me. I tried it on today and it nearly slid off me, it was so baggy! I hadn’t even realized the difference until I put on the dress. I looked like a worm in a windsock. Needless to say, I did a happy dance. It’s small victories like this that motivate me further. Working hard pays off for sure and I’m going to keep going!

1 comment:

  1. No. No. What the fuck is wrong with you. Starving yourself =/= a good thing. Why do you think there are hundreds of organizations devoted to feeding starving children in third-world countries? Are you retarded?? How about this: start doing some pushups. Muscle burns twice the calories per pound that fat does. Just tone up a little, instead of starving yourself away into a disgusting little stick insect. That's unhealthy, unnatural, and sick.
